Wednesday, January 21, 2009

HIV AIDS Workshop

HIV is an undeniable reality in South Africa!
A reality which every coach and counsellor will encounter at some point in their practice.

The aim of this workshop is to explain and demystify HIV by providing a practical perspective of the disease.

By the end of the day the participants will have been:
  • introduced to the clinical realities of the disease and it's treatment
  • exposed to some of the issues that surround disclosure and stigma
  • taught a selection of practical skills needed to respond appropriately to a client affected by HIV and to empower the client as they move forward positively with life.
The workshop will have an active experiential component.
We will focus on:

  • motivational interviewing
  • positive life management

The facilitator is Gavin Reid who is the HIV counsellor at Nazareth House in Cape Town. He lectures the HIV Counselling Skills Module at SACAP and is a co-founder and director of Positive Heroes, an NGO which both challenges the stigma and discrimination that surrounds HIV in South Africa and empowers people living with HIV.

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